Thursday, December 13, 2018

Today's reading: Hosea 7-9

"My God will reject the people of Israel because they will not listen or obey. They will be wanderers, homeless among nations." Hosea 9:17 NLT

Homeless-having no home or permanent place of residence.

Are you somewhat like me, a homebody?

Do you truly believe, there is no place like home?

Are you a good sleeper, if you sleep in your own bed, surrounded by the noises of your own house, your neighborhood and your spouse snoring?

Do you thoroughly enjoy a good vacation or getaway, but really like turning into your own driveway and unlocking your front door?

Then this verse if for you.

Imagine desiring your own way, choosing to disobey God, to the extent that you are displaced? Homeless? Left wandering? Never having that settled feeling?

Is it worth it?

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