Friday, May 19, 2017

Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41

"Jeremiah replied, You won't be handed over to them if you choose to obey the Lord. Your life will be spared, and all will go well for you." Jeremiah 38:20 NLT

Maybe the Christian life if requiring more of you than you think is worth it.

New friends.

New past times.

New reactions.

New words.

New routines.

New weekend plans.

You wonder if it's all worth it. You wonder if your attempts, even the ones you try but cannot follow through on, will be seen and rewarded. You wonder if this God-life is all it's cracked up to be.

It is.

It is worth it.

It will be rewarded.

It is everything it's been touted to be--and more!

You'll be kept from your enemy. Your life will be turned upside-down, shaken to remove what He feels is not the best for you. Your prize will be eternal life with Him!

Easy? No.

Worth it? Absolutely!

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