Thursday, July 13, 2017

Today's reading: Proverbs 10

"The words of the godly lead to life..." Proverbs 10:11 NLT

How exciting to face another 24 hours knowing I may save a life?

No, I'm no skilled surgeon.

Or a trained paramedic.

Or a brave firefighter who would be willing to rush into a burning building.

I may not even be called upon to perform the Heimlich manuever or CPR.

I may not need to rescue a fellow employee from a falling can of paint, the sometimes-paper-eating copier or a disgruntled customer.

But I might speak life into someone.

Not 'life' like God did when He created Adam, but life that encourages, draws them from depression, edifies or pats them on the back.

That is a life-giving breath of fresh air.

You and I have both received those life-saving gifts at some point in our lives, and today we may be able to gift another with it!

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