Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today's reading: Romans 5-6

"Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory." Romans 5:2 NLT

As a saved, blood-bought, redeemed, born-again, ransomed child of God, I stand in a place of not only privilege, but highest privilege. You do, too...if you are His.

We hold not just any old spot, but a spot He has brought us to, placed us in and has acquired just for us.

We gain it by believing in His Son, in His Son's death on the cross and in the resurrection of that Son out of death and into victory.

What are we doing where we stand?

What are we doing with the awesome opportunity this place affords us?

Who are we attracting into the Kingdom by this place we occupy?

What are we participating in with this life-changing faith?

It's not just where we stand, brothers and sisters, it's what we do while we're standing!

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