Friday, June 29, 2018

Today's reading: Psalm 54-57

"But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me." Psalm 55:16 NLT

Rescue-to free from confinement, danger or evil; to recover by force.

The theme of this week's Vacation Bible School is Jesus Rescues!

I've taught the lessons, I've presented the Word of God, I've shared personal experiences, I've made the kids laugh, I've cried, I've prayed with the kids and I've watched them interact with each other as they learn the important truths of the week.

But until today, I hadn't looked up the word 'rescue'.

Jesus has set us free!

Jesus has delivered us from harm!

Jesus has become our Life Preserver!

Jesus has defeated death, hell and the grave--for us!

Jesus has taken the parts of our lives the enemy had stolen and given them back to us, desiring that we use those parts to worship Him wholly!

Because of His life, death and resurrection we are no longer bound, sentenced or hopeless!

Jesus has rescued us!

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