Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Today's reading: Deuteronomy 26:1-28:14, Luke 10:1-20, Psalm 68:7-14

"Whenever you enter a home, give it your blessing." Luke 10:5 NLT

I don't know where all you will go today, but where ever it is, leave a blessing behind.

If you go to a friend's house for coffee and a chat, leave her better off than you found her.

If you go to work today, give them your best, bless your employer by giving your all.

If you go to WalMart, bless the kid who rings you up with a smile and a kind word.

If you have banking to do, deposit friendliness into the teller's heart account.

If you are grocery shopping, bless those moving slowly ahead of you in the aisle.

Jesus asked His disciples to leave blessings where ever they went.

We are His disciples, too.

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