Monday, December 21, 2020

Today's reading: James 1-5

"Temptation comes from the lure of our own evil desires." James 1:14 NLT

Whether it's the desire for one more Little Debbie brownie, to speak my mind in the most unloveliest of terms or to give in to what society says is okay...temptations are around me all the time.

The thing is, as much as I would like to blame satan for all of them, my Bible tells me in this verse that the root of my issue is--me.

It's my deep seated desires.

It's my wanting to satisfy me at all costs.

It's my 'put me first' attitude rising to the surface.

It's my little idol need when I don't see my great, big God at work at the moment I think He should be clearly evident in my life.


So, from now on when that temptation shows up on the scene, I know where to start pointing the finger, where to begin judging, where to start getting to the bottom of the issue...with little ole me!

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