Thursday, April 10, 2014

Today's reading:  Job 29-30

Two verses jumped off the pages of my Bible this morning...

" I long for the days when God took care of me..." Job 29:1 NLT


"I walk in gloom without sunlight..."  Job 30:28 NLT

Spoken by the same man.  Honest, gut-wrenching emotions.

Job was walking through a dark time. A very, very rough season of life.

No one could help him.  Not even well-intentioned friends.

He had to continue.  He had to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  He had to grab hold of whatever shreds of hope and joy he could find--and hang on for dear life!

You see, in a few chapters, Job gets back all he'd lost, and more.  Because he stayed true.  Because he continued to trust.  Because Job knew, on the bleakest of days, God was all he had--even when it seemed as if he had nothing.

We have to do that, too.

Bad days.  Rough weeks.  Trying years.  Never-would-have-asked-for-this kind of lives.

Keep seeking God.  Cling ever so tightly to Him.  Never, never, ever, let go of Him!

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