Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today's reading:  Job 31-32

"If only I had someone who would listen to me and try to see my side!.."  Job 31:35 NLT

You listen, don't you, Lord.

But You don't bend the rules, lower your standards or accept my excuses,do You?

You don't willingly accept below standard behavior from Your princess.

You listen to all I have to say.  Your ear is bent to my whining and moaning.  You pay attention to my every word, but seeing 'my side of the story' is not as important to You as me displaying godly character in my every action, thought and attitude.

I have Someone on my side, when I am on the right side.

I have a Best Friend who hears me out, but still tells it as it is--through my heart and through Your Word.

Thanks, Lord!  

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