Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today's reading:  Romans 13-14

"So why do you condemn another Christian?  Why do you look down on another Christian?  Remember, each of us will stand personally before the judgement seat of God."  Romans 14:10 NLT

It's time to worship as a body.

Within in the next couple of hours, church bells will be pealing a call to gather.

Folks will be walking the parking lots heading for the door of the church.

Ready.  Anticipating.  Eager.

To do what?  To judge those sitting on their pew?  To grade another's service, or lack of it?  To evaluate the prior six days of a brother or sister's life and determine by that their position among the brethren?

To lay condemnation on another's already bowed shoulders?  To act as judge and jury based on what we've heard or small segments we've seen?  To look down our noses at those who don't do it like we do?

Let's leave our binoculars at home.  Let's only focus on what God needs to do within our own hearts and minds.  Let's lay bare our souls before the Judge, no one elses.


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