Thursday, April 20, 2023


Today's reading: Jo 31-32

"Have I ever tried to hide my sins as people normally do, hiding my guilt in a closet?" Job 31:33 NLT

Just last night I was bombarded with television ads touting the effectiveness and ease of a few new at home medical tests you can do for yourself.

From the convenience of your own home...

From the privacy of your living space...

No doctor office or hospital required...

And these tests are important! They are early screening for some pretty serious medical conditions. Illnesses and diseases which, if caught early, can allow treatment to be very successful.

Another home test, or self test, we can do? One that will get to the bottom of our heart issues? One that will allow us intimate access to the Lord?

A self examination like the one Job put himself through in Job 31.

He asked himself every question he could think of. He presented circumstance after circumstance to compare how he should have responded versus how he did respond. He thoroughly investigated his motives, his actions and his attitudes.

Dare we do the same thing?

Do we expose all there is of us, to God's eye? To our awareness? 

Maybe it's time we did a few more self tests, and not just the medical ones our doctor's recommend!

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