Monday, October 31, 2022


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 7-9

"You must destroy all the nations the Lord your God hands over to you. Show them no mercy and do not worship their gods. If you do, they will trap you." Deuteronomy 7:16 NLT

One can watch the timeline of the world and see different eras when the enemy has snuck in and taken root.

Times when good and not-so-good were awfully close.

Moments in history when compromise allowed a door to be left cracked open.

Decisions made that showed mercy to wrong--and it has now trapped us.

But, sadly, one doesn't have to look as far as our nation 's history. One can look in the mirror.

To see someone who has fudged.

To see the image of one who has crossed the lines.

To see the reflection of a God follower who now allows more of the world in their home than Jesus.

To see a Christian who has shown mercy to foreign gods.

With all that God has done for us, and we disregard His warning in a verse like this?

And wonder why we're lacking, anemic really, in our faith?

Let us pray to break free of the traps our adultery has caused us to be caught in.

Let us beg God for iron in our backbones, conviction in our hearts and vision to see where it is we are passing out mercy to the undeserved.

Sunday, October 30, 2022


Today's reading: James 4-5

"Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, you hypocrites." James 4:8 NLT

Want to know why most of us don't draw close to God? Why we don't lean into Him? Why we don't follow Him as closely as we should/could?

It's because we're afraid of what He might ask of us.

Where He might ask us to go.

How He might ask us to change.

Who He might ask us to forgive.

When He might ask us to trust Him and wait.

Drawing close means changing from being independent to completely dependent upon our Savior.

It takes courage. Faith. Hope. Love. Self-denial.

Saturday, October 29, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 9-10

"All who heard him were amazed, Isn't this the same man who persecuted Jesus' followers..." Acts 9:21 NLT

Here's the challenge I'm placing before myself--and in doing so, placing before you: the Saul/Paul Challenge.

I want those who know us, who know us well, who know us slightly, who know us vaguely, who know us by acquaintance only, to say this about us the next time they see us...

Isn't that the gal who...

Isn't that the believer who...

Isn't that the church member who...

Isn't that the mom who...

Isn't that the Christian who...

I want them to be amazed by who you are now.

...the gal who used to doubt and fear.

...the believer who used to strive for control.

...the mom who had lost her joy but now beams.

...the Christian who didn't have any disciplines under their belt but is now diving into the Word daily, spending time on her knees daily, listening for God's voice daily.

I want them to see how God has changed us--no matter how long we've been who we are, no matter how good a believer we already are, no matter our former predilections.

I want others to see that we've been with God through our week--and that's it touched our lives!

Are you in for the challenge?


Friday, October 28, 2022


Today's reading: Habakkuk

"What have you gained by worshiping all your man-made idols? How foolish to trust in something made by your own hands! What fools you are to believe such lies!" Habakkuk 2:18 NLT

If we depend upon our wealth, how hard we work, our well we invest, how much we have, we're letting ourselves down.

If we trust in our health, how much we exercise, how rewarding it is to step on the scale, how few complex carbohydrates we consume, we're setting ourselves up to one day be slim and trim--but heavily disenchanted.

If we trust in our church membership, our parents' godliness or our names being listed on religious committee after religious committee, we're eventually going to find out we've abandoned our first love for the love of our self.

So what do we gain by honoring, giving excess time and effort, devoting ourselves to 'man-made idols'? Nothing, absolutely nothing other than a life wasted.

A life spent leaning into God for hope, for faith, for trust, for love--now that's a life worth living!

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1-2

"...While still seeking wisdom, I clutched at foolishness..." Ecclesiastes 2:3 NLT

I'll share what I am prone to do, not as an example for you to follow--but as a warning against what you should look out for in your own life.

I'm in my Bible a lot. I'm reading it. Studying it. Referencing it in notes I send folks. I mark my Bibles with notes and highlighted passages. I re-write verses, to get it from the vision to the fingers.

I admit, I keep a Bible in my desk at work. A Bible on my coffee table--open. A Bible beside me at my prayer chair. I Bible propped up beside me as I write these devotions. I usually even have a Bible in my purse, if I know I'm going to have some down time--like in a waiting room.

I'd like to think I'm seeking wisdom from the pages of God's Word.

Until Solomon brought that thought to a screeching halt.

Like tires braking on asphalt.

Like insert an audio clip here.

Because, as Solomon puts it in this verse, I was seeking wisdom, while still clutching at foolishness.

I wanted to know what God's Word said, but still continue to manipulate many of the situations I found myself in.

I wanted to be well versed in my Bible, but still work my fingers to the bone attempting to work my plan out.

I wanted to be noted as having logged my time in the Good Book, but still leave enough time for me to see done what I wanted to see done.

I was seeking wisdom, but clutching at foolishness.

And it wasn't working out well. Not well at all!

I want to begin again. I want to start over. I want to remodel my time in the Word. I want it to be hands free. 

I want my nose in the Bible, my heart in its passages and I want my hands to be open to all He might give--not busying myself about things that are too grand for me to understand, let alone handle.

Hands free. Yes, hands free. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 122-124

"If the Lord had not been on our side--let Israel now say--if the Lord had not been on our side when people rose up against us, they would have swallowed us alive because of their burning anger against us." Psalm 124:1-3 NLT

If we pause for a a short moment and consider how we might personalize these verse...

If it had not been for the Lord on our side when ...

'They' would have ...

Oh, the things He saves us from!

Gossipy words stamped out.

Accidents avoided.

Our names 'randomly' selected, or not selected.

Right place, right time, right circumstances.

A specific sermon on a empty-soul kind of day.

No matter what's swirling about us, how dark the clouds may seem or however long the night be lasting--we can stand with David and thank God that despite all these things, God is on our side--and Him being there thwarts our enemy's attempt at pinning us down!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28

"...The man of God replied, The Lord is about to give you much more than this!" 2 Chronicles 25:9 NLT

Amaziah was faced with a choice--obey God, or be out a whole lot of money.

It would be so very easy for us to say, OBEY GOD--ALWAYS!

But do we do what we preach?

When we're in the middle of a commitment--and God asks us to step aside?

When we're up to our ears in a program or ministry--and God leads us to take a sabbatical?

When we've booked that vacation--and God doesn't give us peace about going?

When we've made a complete fool of ourselves in front of folks--and God asks us to share our testimony?

When we're in a crowd of needs--and God asks us to pray--out loud--with those gathered?

It's those opportunities, when God offers us so much more than what we're currently holding that we need to lean in to obedience.

Every time.

Where ever we are.

So that God's blessings can shower us!

Monday, October 24, 2022


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4-6

"If you obey them carefully, you will display your wisdom and intelligence to the surrounding nations. When they hear about these laws, they will exclaim, What other nation is an wise and prudent as this! For what great nation has a god as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call him?" Deuteronomy 4:6-7 NLT

Oh America,

Turn back to God.

Revisit the precepts you were founded upon. The laws you evoked for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--in the Lord.

Let God lead once again!

Then the surrounding nations will stop their laughing at us.

The peace and security of our great land will be felt from sea to shining sea.

The prosperity of a nation under God will once again fill our wallets, our businesses and our reputation.

Just by turning back to God's laws. Individually, Corporately. In our homes and in our government.

Call out to the God who is near to those who whisper His name.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Today's reading: James 1-3

"But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law--the law that sets you free--and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it." James 1:25 NLT

Why keep your nose in the Bible?

Why do pastors, scholars, Sunday School teachers and blog writers ask you to get into the daily routine of Bible reading/study?

Because it's a good habit. And, yes, there are good habits!

Because it will change you. Sometimes without even you noticing it or making the effort to be the one doing the changing.

Because God will bless you for it. In some way. At some time.

So why not read your Bible daily?

Why not look steadily into God's perfect Law?

Saturday, October 22, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 7-8

"But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily upward into heaven and saw the glory of God,.." Acts 7:56 NLT

Stephen was in a tough place, but he kept His eyes on the prize.

No one around him supported him.

Nothing going on in his life, at that particular moment, was going well.

There seemed no positive end in his line of vision.

Until he looked up.

Until he locked eyes with the One he was serving.

Until he decided it would all be for God's glory.

I'm asked this morning by reading this portion of Scripture, Where am I looking?

Friday, October 21, 2022


Today's reading: Nahum

"The Lord is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him." Nahum 1:7 NLT

This verse doesn't just say that the Lord is a refuge, but a strong refuge.

I believe that's so important, because there are a whole lot of flimsy refuges we can use.

Ourselves. Our families. Our health. Our wealth. Our reputation. Our abilities. Our knowledge.

Flimsy, right? Right!

But what an assurance to know we have a strong refuge--a very strong refuge!

A Refuge that has stood the test of time--has created time itself.

Thursday, October 20, 2022


Today's reading: Proverbs 31

"There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!" Proverbs 31:28 NLT

I'll be quite honest, I'm not feeling the Proverbs 31 vibe today.

Dishes are stacked to be washed. Laundry lays in piles on the floor. Dust is 'antiquity thick'. What's planned for supper is up in the air. I'm having a hard time liking the ones I love.

So to read about a gal who had her entire act together is deflating. Defeating. Discouraging. 

Unless I choose to read about her with hope-filled eyes.

One day, I can imagine I might be her.

Some time, I may be able to do all I'm called to do--gracefully and lovingly.

Later, my act might be together.

Today is not that day, but I have hope!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 120-121

"I look up to the mountains--does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth!" Psalm 121:1-2 NLT

Re-focus, I hear God tell me.

Look at me, He whispers.

Rub your eyes and take a fresh look in My direction, He says.

Quit looking around.

Stop looking at the things I have created or circumstances I have allowed.

Make a new practice of looking to Me--first.

Every time.

In all things.

With your whole heart.

Even, and especially, past what looms in front of you.

Because your help comes from no where else but Me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24

"Their father had given each of them valuable gifts of silver, gold and costly items, and also the ownership of some of Judah's fortified cities..." 2 Chronicles 21:3 NLT

In this passage we find that King Jehoram had gifted his sons with lucrative possessions. Gold, silver, costly items--and land!

Places to claim as their own. Acreage to plant their feet on and say, It's mine.

Our Father has done the same thing for us.

He has blessed us over and above anything we deserve. Monetarily. Emotionally. Physically.

But the land?

Maybe some of you hold deeds to the land on which you live, or a weekend vacation spot or a piece of property passed down from generation to generation, but I believe it's more than that.

I believe God gives us each a mission field.

Property on which to testify of His greatness.

A place, or places, in which we can spread the Good News about Him.

Spots on which we can take stands that allow others to see God through us, in us and working around us.

We are all landowners because of the loving kindness of our Father. 

Monday, October 17, 2022


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 1-3

"Look! He has placed it in front of you. Go and occupy it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has promised you. Don't be afraid. Don't be discouraged. But you responded, First let's send out scouts to explore the land for us. They will advise us on the best route to take and decide which towns we should capture." Deuteronomy 1:21-22 NLT

God has said it.

God has presented it.

God has ordained it.

God has allowed it.

God has gotten them this far.

God has gifted them with this land.

And they want a second opinion?

A report from their own scouts?

They were wanting to make sure the Lord was right. That God had a handle on the situation. That the Creator knew just what was ahead.

Laughable? It might be if it weren't so personal.

Is Facebook your second opinion?

Do social norms approve or deny what God is leading you to do?

Are friends your voting constituency?

None of us are laughing now.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Today's reading: Hebrews 11-13

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1 NLT

Ever thought about the witnesses to your race of faith?

The ones who have vested interest in your Christian walk--the former pastors, Sunday School teachers, godly parents and mentors?

The ones laced up running beside you--church friends, prayer partners, godly co-workers who see you day in and day out?

The ones you're trying to reach for the Lord--the unsaved neighbor, the prodigal child, the almost-but-not-quite believers?

There are witnesses to our faith walks just like we are witnesses to the walks of others.

Let's not remember whose eyes are upon us. Let us not forget how important it is to keep on keeping on. Someone did it for us, let's do it for someone else!

Saturday, October 15, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 5-6

"...You weren't lying to us but to God." Acts 5:4 NLT

In this portion of God's Word Peter is speaking with Ananias and Sapphira about some property they sold and were going to give the proceeds to the church.

The couple lied about the amount they received upon sale.

Peter, led by the Holy Spirit, knew they were lying--and could have been hurt by their act, but chose to confront the lie with truth.

You see, they weren't just lying to Peter.

They weren't just lying to the church family.

They weren't just lying to the ones in charge of collections.

They were lying to God.

Peter made it personal, because it was.

What about us?

Well, we sin against God.

We place idols before God.

We put laziness ahead of God when we choose not to get up and worship on sleepy Sunday mornings.

We put our knowledge against God's wisdom when we go our way instead of where He has asked us to go.

Sin is always against God. Sure there are others who are hit by the 'shrapnel of sin', but ultimately every sin we commit is against our Creator. Our Redeemer. Our Savior.

Friday, October 14, 2022


Today's reading: Micah

"For the Lord WILL settle international disputes. All the nations WILL beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. All wars WILL stop and military training WILL come to an end." Micah 4:3 NLT

What WILL eventually happen is that the Lord WILL come and introduce Himself to all people as sovereign, mighty, magnificent and Lord of all.

There WILL be no one who can deny it.

There WILL be no questioning it, doubting it, explaining around it.

He WILL be seen as King of Kings.

He WILL be needed, by the sobbing masses, as Savior.

He WILL be revealed to all who have shut their eyes and ears to His greatness.

WILL you be one of the already readied? Or wait until last minute?

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Today's reading: Proverbs 29-30

"Every word of the Lord proves true. He defends all who come to him for protection." Proverbs 30:5 NLT

If you are wanting something to stand on--choose God's Word.

If you are looking for a guarantee--look no farther than the promises of God.

If you want an anchor that holds fast and true in the wildest storm--trust the words in red.

If you are seeking hope, desiring mercy, wanting to be upended by grace--open your Bible.

God, through His Word, speaks to every emotional disturbance, every life issue, every tough time, every doubt and every question any one of us will ever walk through.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 119

"Your principles have been the music of my life throughout the years of my pilgrimage." Psalm 119:54 NLT

Oh, the places this verse takes my soul and myever-imaginative mind!

I can, even at this early morning hour, call to mind times when God's Word has been the music of my life...

-During long, dark nights when His printed Word was a lullaby to my fears.

-At moments when the truths of a verse spoke louder than the lies being whispered by my enemy.

-On days when I needed the Scripture like a flailing ball team needed the cheers from the stands.

-When water was pouring into my boat of faith by the bucketfuls yet God's Word repeated itself over and over to me in the tune of 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'.

-When I was alone, even in a crowded room, it sang softly to my spirit.

-In seasons when the pages of my Bible caught tears like a tissue as I looked for answers, looked for hope, looked for the next breath to take.

-On Sundays when His word worked into the chorus of a new song spoke to my needs in the pew.

-At the times when I had to hum the words of Holy Scripture as I carried out, in anxious obedience, just what He had asked of me.

Oh, how God's Word has been music to me! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 16-20

"...We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help." 2 Chronicles 20:12 NLT

Are you scratching your head?

Are you at a fork in the road and don't know which way to turn?

Is there a decision to be made that you aren't sure how to make?

Are you stumped?



Confused by too many choices--worse yet, too many good choices?

Turn to God!

Look to Him for help.

Seek His will.

Watch for Him to eliminate your options and highlight the path He desires you walk upon.

Jehoshaphat did, we can, too!

Monday, October 10, 2022


Today's reading: Numbers 33-36

"...When you cross the Jordan River into the land of Canaan, you must drive out all the people living there. You must destroy all their carved and molten images and demolish all their pagan shrines." Numbers 33:51-52 NLT

A promised land. 

A constant presence on the journey.

A miraculous provision for the forty long years.

A hope of an established and numerous people.

And God asks this of them--drive out the current residents, destroy all the little gods lying around the land and demolish the ungodly places of worship.

He was asking them to put some sweat equity into setting themselves up for success.

An investment in their faith.

A participation fee, if you would like to think of it that way.

All because God wanted the best for His people and knew that only wholehearted worship of Him would accomplish that.

It wasn't too much to ask of them--and it isn't too much to ask of us.

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Today's reading: Hebrews 8-10

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus." Hebrews 10:19 NLT

Because of the blood.

Not just that it was spilled.

Not just as a random reference to the spilling.

But that it was spilled out and over onto your heart and sins.

Not claimed as forgiving and washing white as snow the sins of your Grandpa or Mom.

But yours.

Your depravity. Your ineptitude. Your choices to rebel. Your decisions to do your own thing.

Your sins.

Jesus's blood was spilled to wash away your sins and allow you entrance into the Most Holy Place.

A place only reserved for the cleaned up, washed up, forgiven.

A place of nearness to God's heart.

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 3-4

"Peter and John looked at him intently..." Acts 3:4 NLT

Before they said a word...

Before they quoted Scripture...

Before they touched the man...

Before they offered words and healing that would change the fella's life...

They looked intently at him.

They noticed him.

They took the time to be reminded that this person standing before them was also a creation of the Most High God.

That single solitary time spent looking intently gave them pause.

Because they were reminded he stood where they very well could have stood.

They quickly recalled how much the glory of God in their own lives changed them.

They saw the soul within the useless body before they responded.

And respond they did!

They introduced this fella, this fella they paused long enough to really recognize, to the power of God!

May we all stop long enough to look intently into the eyes, heart and lives of another today. 

Friday, October 7, 2022


Today's reading: Jonah

"The Lord replied, Is it right for you to be angry about this?" Jonah 4:4 NLT

Ever had the Lord ask you the same things?

About something that's upset your apple cart.

Something that's not gone your well-planned way.

Something that leaves you bitter, angry, alone, uncomfortable.

I can see sullen, sulking, shoulders drooping Jonah standing on the hillside overlooking Ninevah. I can hear him sigh in disbelief. I can see on his face a disgruntled attitude.

All because it didn't turn out like he thought it would.

Like he thought it should.

Like he was God.

Ouch--I certainly got personal real fast, didn't I.

Is it right for us to be angry about the things we're carrying around in our hearts and in our heads? Do we see the whole picture? Can we see into the future in regards to the issue?

I don't think so. Let's trust God with it!

Thursday, October 6, 2022


Today's reading: Proverbs 28

"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions." Proverbs 28:1 NLT

I don't usually consider myself to be bold.

Determined? Yes.

Hard headed? Yes, my husband shouts from the background.

Can talk to a post? Yes.

But bold?

Bold is a word I reserve for those much stronger than myself. Those who take the stands I seldom take. Those whose faith is much louder than my own. Those who walk right up to the throne of God and quote His promises back to Him--and expect an answer.

No, I'm not bold.

I'm more like the child who hides behind her momma's skirt tails. Or in my case, the hem of my Father's brilliant white, flowing robe.

The wicked run away, but the godly are bold.

Well, maybe there is a glimmer of boldness in me...I don't run away, I run to God. I stand behind Him and watch as He fights for me. I run to the safety and comfort and peace of His presence. I stand on His track record and His reliability. I know my limitations and His expanse.

Maybe that's a quiet boldness. 

Hmm, maybe it is.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


Today's reading: 117-118

"Though hostile nations surrounded me, I destroyed them all in the name of the Lord. Yes, they surrounded and attacked me, but I destroyed them all in the name of the Lord. They swarmed around me like bees; they blazed against me like a roaring flame. But I destroyed them all in the name of the Lord." Psalm 118:10-12 NLT

This psalmist's words remind me, no--convict me, really, of how very little I have done in the name of the Lord.

I settle for what the world doles out to me.

I succumb to the temptations of the enemy that rob me of blessings.

I waver in my faith as life's storms billow against me.

I fail to choose to remember God's promises as I trudge over life's obstacles.

But this morning, well, this morning I am revitalized by the words in this psalm. I am reminded of how very powerful I am when I stand in the name of the Lord. I am once again brought to the realization of just what it means to be a child of the Most High God.

The Word of the Lord has revived me again.

Watch out world, I'm going out today in the name of the Lord!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 11-15

...The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with Him! Whenever you seek him, you will find him. But if you abandon him, he will abandon you." 2 Chronicles 15:2 NLT

How close do you want God to be in your life?

Really? How close?

With you every moment? There to help you with each and every decision? To walk beside you on good days? To carry you on the bad ones?

I think we all would answer that we want God beside us at all times--as close to us as possible!

Okay, so what are we doing to allow that?

Are we staying with Him?

Are we seeking Him?

Are we walking as closely to Him as we want Him to walk with us?

Just how close is enough for you?

Monday, October 3, 2022


Today's reading: Numbers 29-32

" addition to the regular daily burnt offering and its accompanying drink offering."

If I have counted correctly, this same phrase is given to us thirteen times in this portion of reading. Thirteen times!

It's given in regards to special offerings for Passover, for the Festival or Trumpets, for the Day of Atonement and for the Festival of Shelters.

In addition to...

Which means 'over and above' in my book.

What are we doing that is 'over and above' for the Lord?

Church attendance is minimal.

Giving our tithes cheerfully is minimal.

Serving inside, and outside, our houses of worship is minimal.

Praying is minimal.

Time in the Word is minimal.

So, brothers and sisters, what are we doing in addition to our regular response to the Lord?

Where are we going above and beyond?

How are we going over and above?

It's individual. It's personal. It's needing to be Spirit led.

It's needing to be done.

Sunday, October 2, 2022


Today's reading: Hebrews 5-7

"So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding..." Hebrews 6:1 NLT

The writer of Hebrews spoke to the Christians about their dormant state in regards to godly growth.

He could be talking to us!

Isn't it time we dug deeper into the Word of God?

Lingered longer over His love letter to us?

Made His words our first and final reference?

Spent more time studying our Bibles from cover to cover--just to know more about God?

It's time for a growth spurt, Church.

Saturday, October 1, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 1-2

"The Father sets those dates, he replied, and they are not for you to know." Acts 1:7 NLT

As the disciples sat, ate, listened and learned while in Jesus' presence, this single question kept popping up in their conversations.

When would He leave?

When would He overthrow the government?

When would He return?

When would He begin to look like the conquering Messiah they had pictured in their minds?

Every question revolved around, WHEN.

We do that, too.

When will we have answers to our prayers?

When will this temptation stop irritating our Christian walks?

When will we see the prodigal coming down the lane?

When will we see the church rise up again, lives be changed, souls be saved, the world recognize Him as their Savior?

I believe the answer is the same one He gave the disciples, The Father sets those dates, and they are not for you to know.

They are, however, still ours to pray about, hope for, believe in and rest upon while we go about His business!

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