Monday, December 27, 2010

JOHN 3:16

Yesterday was my turn on the children's ministry rotation. I thought I was well prepared to go in and teach them a lesson on John the Baptist's birth--was I ever wrong!

Gathered about me were the faces of intent learners, intense wigglers and intimidating audience members. They were prepared to see if I really and truly knew my stuff.

But what happened is I learned more than I taught!

One of the 'students' quoted for me her very best attempt at John 3:16. Although she muddled through a few of the words, skipped over some completely and re-worded a portion of it, it was quite a lesson for me to absorb. One well-placed incorrect word has had my mind reeling since then.

You see, she said (I hope I can get it right)...

For God loved the world so very much that He gave His only forgotten son so that no one would have to die anymore.

Intense. Thought provoking. Convicting.

From the mouth of babes.

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