Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3-4

"There is a season for everything...A time to keep and a time to throw away." Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 6 NLT

My purple-striped leg warmers from junior high.

My Menudo tee shirt from grade school years.

My Jordache jeans from high school that I hate to l admit I'll never be able to get into again.

The rabbit's foot purchased at the skating rink in 6th grade.

Yes, it's time for me to pitch a few things...and it's time I keep a few things a little closer to my heart!

My relationship with God.

My efforts to reach the lost.

My determination to train up my child in daily Scripture reading and prayer time.

My commitment to seeing my church grow--in spirit, then in number.

Yes, there's a time for everything. It's up to me to listen closely enough that I hear Him lead me in doing what needs done!

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