Thursday, July 7, 2022


Today's reading: Proverbs 8-9

"My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those who want to learn." Proverbs 8:9 NLT

Too many times I've heard it said that the Bible is too hard to understand. Too deep to get into. Too complicated to read.


It's written by God, that's a known fact, and while His ways and thoughts and wisdom is higher than ours, He has written it for us.

It's about some other-wordly things, that's for sure. But while there are ideas that go beyond our common knowledge and happenings that far exceed our wildest beliefs, He has written it to explain more of Himself to us--and through the Holy Spirit's nudging, we can catch on.

It's a gift to be opened. Spoken to men through out time and written down by scribes of a different age, but oh so applicable to today! It was for our grandparents' grandparents and it's for us!

IF we want what it offers.

IF we put in the time digging into it.

IF we desire to be filled with His wisdom and to know about Him what there is to know.

IF we want to understand it on the level He believes we can.

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