Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today's reading:  Acts 5-6

"...Meanwhile the believers were meeting regularly at the Temple, in the area known as Solomon's Colonnade.  No one else dared join them, though everyone held them in high regard."  Acts 5:12-13 NLT

As you prepare for tomorrow's worship services, are you determining to be a spectator or a participant?

Are you so filled with God's love, so overwhelmed by His graces, so in awe of His mercy that you couldn't help but meet with believers?

Or will you take a backseat?  Afraid to let go?  Scared to worship how you believe you are called to worship because it isn't like someone else does it?

Worship God in a way that makes others hold you in high regard--not in order to get their admiration, but because He so deserves your whole hearted service.

Worship in a way that's as personal as your relationship with Him.

Worship as a whole only after you have spent time, precious time, worshiping Him individually in your prayer closets.

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