Monday, September 4, 2017

Today's reading: Numbers 13-16

"This was their report to Moses: We arrived in the land you sent us to see, and it is indeed a magnificent country--a land flowing with milk and honey. Here is some of its fruit as proof. But the people there are powerful..." Numbers 13:27-28 NLT

Yesterday's sermon was based on Joshua 14:6-12 and Caleb claiming the mountain God has set aside for him.

It's no coincidence that today I'm back in the Israelite camp, awaiting news on the Promised Land, waiting to see what the next step will be.

You see I'm in the camp often.

I'm on the wrong side of the Jordan River quite frequently.

I'm admiring what He has for me, saying I know it's wonderful, beautiful and profitable for me--but I'm also held back by the obstacles looming over me.

I complain to God about the giants in my path.

I go on and on about what keeps me from the mountaintop and the Promised Land...when I should be talking more about how big my God is!

He is.

He is bigger than the mountains in my way.

He is stronger than the biggest giants I face.

He is just waiting for me to trust Him enough to cross the Jordan and take what's mine.

Okay, Lord, here we go today...

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