Monday, February 8, 2021


Today's reading: Genesis 24-27

"And Abimelech asked Isaac to leave the country, Go somewhere else, he said, for you have become to rich and powerful for us." Genesis 26:16 NLT

Imagine being so full of the Spirit, so blessed by God, so empowered by your faith in Christ--that your enemy asks you to leave his presence?

He pushes you away because he is afraid to deal with the Power that is within you?

He wants no part of you and this God you serve--because he knows he will not win?

What a thought!

What an ambition!

What a gift--because God has already given this to us.

We have that power. We hold within us that spiritual fortitude. We are containers for the might of the Lord.

Are we using those resources to scare the bejeebers out of our enemy? 

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