Thursday, January 11, 2018

Today's reading: Genesis 31-33

"This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until dawn." Genesis 32:24 NLT

Wrestle-to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance; to engage in or as if in a violent or determined struggle; to move, maneuver or force with difficulty.

My Bible commentary says, 'Jacob continued this wrestling match all night just to be blessed. He was persistent.'

Don't think for a moment that Jacob's 'time in the ring' was all mental. Or that it was fought in the spiritual realm only. Or that it was a bout of his emotions only.

When morning came...

When Jacob finally chose to release this man of God...

When the dust settled...

When the blessing was given...

Jacob walked away with a limp. He was sore. He was depleted of energy. He ached. He had lost a night's sleep.

But he had the blessing he sought from God.

When was the last time, if there ever was a time, you wrestled with God for His blessing?

When did you struggle to attain what He promised you?

When did you last stick it out, pain, sweat, tears and inconvenience, until you heard God speak to your heart?

Most of us don't make the effort. We write our request down in a prayer journal or we list it as unspoken in our Sunday School classes or we mutter a quick, 'Help', before our meals or before we lay our heads down on our pillows.

But do we ever wrestle? Do we struggle to attain? Do we engage?

I guess our answers show just how much we want what God has.

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