Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14

I'm reading today about the exploits of David's 'secret service'. His nearest and dearest. His entourage. His mightiest men.

It tells me about their bravery, their feats, their valiant attempts to do their best for their king.

It portrays them as willing to do whatever it took to prove their love and loyalty to King David because they knew he was God's chosen.

I've decided after reading about men like Jashobeam, Eleazar, Abishia and Benaiah--I want to be known as one of God's mighty warriors!

I want to be fighting battles for God to prove my love and loyalty to Him.

I want to the first to raise my hand to head out to the battle front when He asks for volunteers from His ranks.

I want to near the end of my life worn out from serving Him rather than serving myself or the world!

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