Friday, March 2, 2018

Today's reading: Numbers 1-3

"They were anointed and set apart to minister as priests." Numbers 3:3 NLT

Minister-(verb) to function as a servant of religion; to give aid or service.

I don't care for the flippant definition of today's word.

As the royal priesthood, ones bought and paid for by Christ's blood, we, the saved, are ministers.

I am not, nor do I want to be, a servant of religion.

To give aid or service, yes, but I do not want to be a follower of a religious sect.

I want to function as a servant of a relationship. The relationship I have with God. The relationship  I have been allowed through the sacrifice of Jesus. The relationship led and brought to my soul by the Holy Spirit.

I can only give aid or service through that relationship. That will be the only true help I could give another.

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