Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Today's reading: Revelation 18-19

"Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a huge crowd, or the roar of mighty ocean waves, or the crash of loud thunder: Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us be glad and rejoice and honor him..." Revelation 19:6-7 NLT

What if from His people...

From His children...

From those washed in His Son's blood...

From the lips of those redeemed by Jesus' death on the cross... 

Instead of murmuring. Or complaining. Or griping. Or listing our woes. Or whining. Or providing God with our list of things we'd still like to see Him do.

What if He heard a mighty Hallelujah rise up from our lips?

One that shook the very earth we're standing on?

One that rivaled the breakers on the seashore?

One that outdid the thunderous summer storms?

One that started with the voice within you? 

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