Sunday, October 29, 2017

Today's reading: James 4-5

"What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Isn't it the whole army of evil desires at war within you?" James 4:1 NLT

Um, thank You, Lord, for getting straight to the point.

For not beating around the bush.

For not using a dozen or so verses before getting my full attention.

The first verse stopped me in my tracks.

It's not always someone else.

It's not often someone else.

It's very seldom someone else.

The hurt feelings I get are usually self-centered.

I want the spot light. I want the thanks. I want the attention. I want to be noticed. I want my way--oh, that's a big one! I want what I believe I'm owed. I want the respect I believe is due me. I want...I want...I want.

Or at least the army of evil desires within me want.

I needed to be more aware of that tendency.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Lord.

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