Thursday, January 26, 2012

Today's reading: Job 7-8

"Why won't you leave me alone--even for a moment?" Job 7:19 NLT

Did Job really mean it? Oh, I understand he was given, within a very short amount of time, a very large dose of discomfort, pain and anguish. But would he ever, would we ever, actually ask God to leave him alone?

The very thought that God might do just that scares me to death!

You see, left to my own devices I am hopeless. Abandonded to go and do in my own strength I am helpless. Orphaned in a dark world my little light flickers, faulters and fails. Alone I am able to accomplish little. Given the full responsibility of making my body function, the world spin and the seasons change would lead to chaos.

Do we ever mumble the same words Job spoke? Of course we do--we're sinful, we're prideful, we're worn out and we're imperfect. But mean it? Actually intend for God to vacate the premises? To step out of the picture of our lives?

We couldn't handle it for a millisecond!

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