Monday, August 5, 2013

Today's reading:  Leviticus 25-27

"You must keep my Sabbath days of rest and show reverence for my sanctuary.  I am the Lord."  Leviticus 26:2 NLT

Call me old-fashioned.

Point me to Scripture that proves I am quite like the Pharisees, rule makers.

Argue the point with me at any time.

But I believe the sanctuaries of our churches are being treated with less and less respect than they deserve.

The place where God's people gather to worship.  Oh yes, I know God is everywhere.  And, I do believe God can be worshipped anywhere, anywhere at all.

The part of our facilities that house the altar where lives are changed.  Is an altar required?  No.  Can lives be changed elsewhere?  Yes.

The heart of our church.  The beating, energizing, filling-with-life part of our congregation.

Instilling a sense of holiness and awe in regards to our sanctuaries is as simple as reminding your kids and any kids with in your sphere of influence that this place in the church is special.  It's not a place  to run in.  It's not a place to prop our feet up on the pews.  It's not a place where behavior should be rowdy or loud.

And for ourselves?  Are we entering into these sanctuaries to worship?  Is God, and who He is first and foremost in our minds?  Are we gazing around or focusing on the Holy Spirit and the work He needs to do in us?

Just a thought.  Call me what you will, old-fashioned or too particular.  Or agree with me on Scripture and make changes where you worship.

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