Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today's reading: Job 3-4

"Does your reverence for God give you no confidence?" Job 4:6 NLT

What does 'reverence' mean? According o Merriam-Webster, it is, 'To offer honor or respect to someone as a divine power.' Some of the related words are adore, deify, glorify, honor, love, regard, dignify and what stunned me, please.

Were you aware that your confidence in God, in His plans, in His abilities, in His faithfulness to keep His promises, pleases Him?

What are you doing with your reverence for God?

Are you walking tall?

Are you facing giants?

Are you climbing?

Are you taking your one step at a time because that's all He's giving you?

Or, do you have any confidence in Him at all?

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