Monday, April 8, 2024


Today's reading: Mark 9-10

"One of the men in the crowd spoke up and said, Teacher, I have brought my son for you to heal him. He can't speak because he is possessed by an evil spirit that won't let him talk. And whenever this evil spirit seizes him, it throws him violently to the ground and makes him foam at the mouth and grind his teeth and become rigid. So I asked your disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but they couldn't do it." Mark 9:17-18 NLT

We carry our problems to the pastor.

We deliver our dilemnas to our friends.

We deposit our issues onto the laps of our prayer chain organizer.

We Google our goings-on.

We Facebook our roadblocks.

We bring up our messes to our coffee shop pals.

But do we, His very own children, take our burdens directly to the Lord?

Do we insist on getting some one-on-one time with our Father?

Do we pursue Him in our quiet devotions before the day begins?

Do we pick up His Word in order that we might hear His words?

Are we taking our problems to God?

Are we believing we have as close a contact with Him as a 'man of the cloth'?

Are we as confident in our ability to pray as the senior saints in our church?

Are we as assured of Him hearing us pray as we are of Him hearing someone else?

We can go straight to the Lord with our problems--every time, any day, how ever it is we deliver it to Him.

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