Thursday, February 2, 2023


Today's reading: Job 9-10

"For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully?" Job 9:4 NLT

Stood up against God? No, of course you haven't.

But have you ever questioned Him?

Asked Him, in no uncertain terms, WHY?

Questioned His motives, His purposes, His ways?

Then, you daring friend, have challenged Him!

You've stepped into the throne room of grace, ONLY by His invitation...

You've called upon the very name Who spoke the worlds into being, ONLY because He allowed you the breath in your lungs..

You've assumed, wrongly so, that your ideas/plans/ways might leave Him with some pointers...

You've forgotten, if for a brief moment, who He is...

God is God. 

God is wise.

God is mighty.

You--are not!

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