Saturday, May 16, 2020

Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 32-34

"He may have a great army, but they are just men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles! These words greatly encouraged the people." 2 Chronicles 32:8 NLT

I don't know what you're staring down this morning.

An army attacking...

A diagnosis leering...

A pink slip looking you squarely in the eye...

Another news report that incites fear...

An empty chair at the dining room table...

One more Sunday when you are unable to meet and worship with your/His people...

These are all rough, rotten things. Things that depress, scare and discourage us.

But, friend, God is still with us!

The problem looks big. The diagnosis is scary. Society is in a pickle. Hurts hurt. We're all missing out on our corporate worship...but we have the Lord.

I pray we can find encouragement in that, because that's what He desires we do.

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