Friday, July 12, 2013

Today's reading:  Ezekiel 25-30

Five chapters of prophecy and promise.

Five chapters about what happens when one, or a country, turns from God, and how He fights to take them back.

Five chapters of anticipation.

Five chapters of hope.

Israel chose to walk away from God.  And He let them.  But He knew they'd be back.  And He promised to receive them wholeheartedly.

I have the same tendencies of Israel.  I want to try it on my own.  I want to walk a different path.  I want to take a detour.  I want to do my own thing.

And He lets me.

And sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes it takes me farther than I intended to go.  Sometimes I receive scars that mark my choices.  Sometimes there are hedges that He has placed in my path.

And when I tire of my own way, He takes me back.

Each and every time.

Because He loves me that deeply!

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