Saturday, September 28, 2013

Today's reading:  Acts 1-2

"No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises!  My body rests in hope."  Acts 2:26 NLT

I've seen what God can do in and through my life and the lives of my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.  

And now I'm seeing it in our little boy--correction, he's 13 as of today, as tall as we are and football-player sized.

God is faithful.  He has been.  He is.  He will be.

He saw my grandparents through tough times and has welcomed them all into His glory. 

I've watched as He walked beside my parents on roads leading up mountain sides and down into dark valleys. 

I've felt His presence with me, I've seen Him mark a path, I've watched as He changed events or changed my heart to handle the events He deemed necessary for my growth.  I've heard Him whisper in my ear, expanding on His Word and revealing exciting truths within the pages of the Bible. 

And I'll see Him walk with Isaiah.  He has for 13 years, and I do not believe His work in that young man's life is even close to being complete!

That's assurance, blessed assurance. 

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