Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Today's reading; 2 Chronicles 21-24

"In the seventh year of Athaliah's reign, Jehoida the priest decided to act. He got up his courage and made a pact..." 2 Chronicles 23:1 NLT

You, Christian friend, probably will not have to take a stand against an evil regime.

Or plot a revolt.

Or conduct secret meetings to overthrow a wicked queen.

But it is time for us to act.

To muster up our courage.

To make a pact that involves us steering clear of sin and standing up for God.

It may take us leaving the break room when the insensitive jokes begin.

It might be that we refuse to go along with the crowd, even though we have for years, even though it's expected of us.

It may require us to take a stand in our homes in regards to what's watched on television, listened to on the radio or viewed on the internet.

It may be that our stand is to begin attending church on a regular basis, no more hit-and-miss for us.

Today is the day we must all decide to act...however it may look for each of us.

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