Saturday, December 24, 2016

Today's reading: Acts 25-26

"On Paul's arrival in court, the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem gathered around and made many serious accusation they couldn't prove. Paul denied the charges, I am not guilty, he said..." Acts 25:7-8 NLT

My enemy gathers his minions around me and shouts accusations.

He brings up mistakes from my past.

He verbalizes every fault I have, every sin I've committed, every poor choice I've made.

He likes to remind me of all I've messed up, all the times I've given up and all the serious infractions I've been part of.

Some days those accusations leave me huddled and ashamed.

Some days they make me give up trying.

Some days, like today as I read Paul's accounts, my enemy's taunts give me reason to stand and face him--to rise up--to hold my head high--to shout to him, I'm no longer guilty...

Because of Jesus!

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