Friday, August 29, 2014

Today's reading:  Hosea 8-14

"For my people are determined to desert me.  They call me the Most High, but they don't truly honor me."  Hosea 11:7 NLT

Am I calling God my Friend, but sharing every hurt, disappointment and notable news bits with everyone else (Facebook, Twitter or texts) but Him?  Am I find that at the end of the day, I've not found the time to talk to my Friend about the good, the bad or the ugly in my life?

Am I calling God my Master, yet refusing to follow His lead, His directions, His ways for my life?  Am I chomping at the bit to do what He wants or what makes me happy?

Am I calling God my Savior, but thinking deep down I'm saving myself by doing all the good things I'm doing?  Can I at any given time list off a grand report of all I'm doing or how good I am?

Am I calling God my Comforter, but seeking that comfort from other sources?  Am I consoling myself with food, a healthy bank account or a good life?

Am I calling God the Holy One, but bringing into His midst the garbage of my attitude or the stench of my grudges?  Am I forgetting how holy He is and how unworthy I am to have the privilege of even being in His presence?

Am I, by how I'm living, calling Him by the right names?  

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