Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Today's reading: Ezekiel 22-24

"I looked for someone who might rebuilt the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but found no one." Ezekiel 22:30 NLT

Gap-a break in a barrier; a separation in space; an incomplete or deficient area; a break in continuity.

Ever wondered why you are where you are?

Why you are going through what He has you going through?

Why you are surrounded by the folks you are surrounded with?

Why what's happened in your life has happened?

Why you are in the office He has you in?

The family?

The church?

The neighborhood?

If you are a believer...one who believes without a doubt that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died a cruel death and rose again after three days...you can rest assured God has you where He has you to fill a gap.

A place where godliness was weak, or non-existent. A hole in His wall of righteousness. A spot where someone like you will do just what He wants done.

He needs you where He has you.

If you are not a believer. If you have not accepted God's gift of saving grace. If you think you're doing just fine without this Jesus-guy.

Well, if that's you--He has you where He does so one of His followers can touch your life!

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