Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today's reading:  Psalm 143-145

If you've been with me any length of time, you know I am a bit of a 'word sleuth'.  I truly enjoy looking up definitions of unknown and common words and applying them to my life and mind in a new way.

Today's word is 'meditate'.  As in...

"I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles."  Psalm 145:5 NLT

The thesaurus I refer to lists several synonyms (similar meaning words) under the word 'meditate'.

Contemplate.  Consider.  Dwell upon.  Reflect.  Fixate.

But my favorite synonym for the word 'meditate'?  Absorb.

How would my day, my outreach, my ministry and my witness be different if I were to actually 'absorb' the glorious splendor of God and His miracles?

Not just to give them a passing thought.  Not just to think about them on Sunday when the pastor brings them to mind.  Not just to consider them when I'm needing one of my own...but to be so absorbed in His power, splendor and abilities that I don't hesitate to do what He's asking, that I don't doubt His plan, that I don't question His abilities--whatsoever!

Absorbing the character of God would upend my life in amazing ways, it would touch the lives of everyone I come in contact with and it would please my Father.

Meditate on that, won't you?

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