Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 26-31

Six chapters, out of many others, that give an account of David waiting his turn for the throne.

The throne he has been promised.

The throne he has been anointed to sit upon.

The throne he has watched ruled by a man who was no longer God's chosen.

But here, this strong man of God, sits--waiting.

Running for his life.

Hiding from his enemy.

Fighting battles on his left and his right.

But waiting.

Maybe you find yourself waiting today.

For the role you truly believe God has called you to hold to be opened up to you. For the answer to prayer you know His Word promises. For the next step to be illuminated by His light. For the circumstances to change and you step into your new position.

Waiting is hard--if you JUST sit and wait.

Waiting can be very profitable if you use the time to build up your muscles, build up your reserves and build up your faith, build up your hours spent in His Word.

Make good use of your time.

The waiting room may very well be where God is allowing you to hone the skills you will need when it's your turn!


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