Friday, February 23, 2024


Today's reading: Job 15-16

"O God, you have ground me down and devastated my family. You have reduced me to skin and bones--as proof, they say, of my sins." Job 16:7-8 NLT

Are you too concerned, bruised or defeated by what 'they say'?

Does your mind replay, over and over, words spoken to you, about you, over you by 'them'?

Are you feelings, attitudes, emotions and actions based solely upon 'public opinion'?

Are your ears finely tuned to 'community sentiment' expressed by those who are not your Lord and Savior?

We have to choose to listen to the Voice of Truth.

We must make an effort to hear God above all other noises.

We are asked to let the Holy Spirit, not other faulty humans with fickle opinions, lead us in all things.

I'm praying this morning that God's opinion, direction and promises speak directly to our hearts and minds today!

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