Thursday, November 10, 2022


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 5-6

"...Riches are sometimes hoarded to the harm of the saver." Ecclesiastes 5:13 NLT

May I ask, what blessings might you be keeping to yourself?

Allowing to remain 'under wraps'?

Hoarding to your harm--and to the harm of those around you?

Might it be your testimony? How you came to know the Lord. The depths, lengths and heights He went to to find you?

Could it be you are keeping to yourself a skill or talent? One that might bless the church you attend or the group of folks you worship with? Something you thoroughly enjoy doing--but others seldom want to sign up for?

Maybe your 'riches' are your ability to talk to anyone. I mean ANYONE. Are you using that skill, that gift, that talent for God's kingdom? Are you using it for God's favor? Are you sharing Him at all times with everyone?

Our blessings are not intended to be hidden away, never seeing the light of day. They were given to us as a gift--one that is best shared.

Share your riches today!

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