Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today's reading:  Proverbs 10

"The earnings of the godly enhance their lives, but evil people squander their money on sin."  Proverbs 10:17 NLT

I have to be very careful.

You see, I tend to look at my belongings and aquisitions in a more important sense than I should.  I depend upon them far too greatly.  I place more value on them than they deserve.

God tells me He is enough.

He is all I need.

And yet He has enabled blessings to fall upon me like rain.

Enhancements, He calls them in Proverbs.

Like a vehicle to drive to work.

Like a closet with more than one outfit of clothes.

Like a choice on what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Like a few leftover dollars at the end of the bill paying.

I will tell you, I have this sinful tendency of looking at all of it like I deserve it:  I work hard.  I serve wholeheartedly.  I am a good person.

Enhancements, that's what they all are!  As a child of the Most High King, anything above and beyond His grace and salvation are simply enhancements.

He has provided me a mile-high hot fudge sundae--with a cherry on top!

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