Sunday, February 19, 2017

Today's reading: Romans 15-16

"May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other--each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other." Romans 15:5 NLT

I have my Bible and Sunday School book gathered up from my prayer closet.

I have my pens and glasses, a necessity any more.

I have an old notebook and colored pencils for any of the kiddos that might sit by me during church, they've come to expect it.

I have a few mints.

I have my planner.

I thought I was ready for church until I read this verse...about my attitude.

I take an attitude with me to church, too, but an attitude of Christ?

How quickly, in the rush of a Sunday morning, our attitudes sour.

They become rushed, put out and disgusted.

Our attitudes become impatient, impertinent and impossible to please.

But to attend our houses of worship with the attitude of Christ, oh what a difference it would make in our worship services, in our homes, in our lives!

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