Sunday, February 26, 2017

Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2

"This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus..." 1 Corinthians 1:1 NLT

When I think of all Paul did, I'm amazed.

All he wrote. All the lives he touched. His testimony in general. His travels. His obedience. His devotion. His persecution. His determination. His love for the Lord.

I might easily become envious and jealous, if I didn't know for sure that God has a special calling for each and every one of us.

I easily slip into the sin of comparison.

I compare my singing abilities to a dear friend's--and come up very short and off key.

I place my creative skills against another friend's--and my abilities are quite pale and kindergarten-like.

I compare the abilities of great speakers I know--and quickly am reminded of my stumbling attempts before a crowd.

Satan loves it when I do this. 

He likes to distract me from God's call on my own life by looking around at the lives of others. He likes to make me feel small, inconsequential and lacking.

Paul was chosen by the will of God to be Paul, to do Paul things, to write as Paul wrote, to travel as Paul, to speak as Paul.

I have been chosen by God to be me...and do the things He has asked me to do with the flare only I can give it!

I needed the reminder.

The duty as well as the destiny of believers is to be conformed to the image of God's Son.- William Hendrickson

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