Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today's reading:  1 Samuel 16-20

"...And the Lord said, This is the one; anoint him."  1 Samuel 16:12 NLT

The littlest.  The youngest.  The least likely to be chosen.  The last in line.

And yet, God chose him.

God anointed him.

God set him apart from the others.  Placed on his life a calling.  Gave him a ministry.  Assigned him a job.  Put into his heart a purpose.

I've not felt the drops of oil on my head or heard the words of blessing spoken over me by a prophet, but I am coming to realize that I am just as chosen.

God spoke, This is the one, over my life.  He deemed me worthy to receive His Son's forgiveness.  He spoke life into my heart and His Spirit into my soul.  His Son chose my sins to go to the cross for.  He has graciously given me a purpose, a job, a ministry, a task and a life to live grandly for Him.



In awe of His grace!

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