Friday, March 1, 2024


Today's reading: Job 17-18

"...My heart's desires are broken." Job 17:11 NLT

When I think of Job I think of a stalwart saint.

An unbending believer.

A staunch Christ follower.

He did everything right. He never once cursed God for all the calamities that fell upon him. He never turned his back on the One from whom all he had ever came.

But to read this verse where Job says his heart's desires are broken--well, it makes me feel as if I might have more in common with Job than I ever thought!

You see, I've had my heart broken a time or two and I've had my desires changed, re-arranged, re-prioritized. So I have an idea of the turmoil Job was experiencing in his head, his soul and his heart.

But Job continued on in his faith walk.

He did not disavow his belief in God.

He carried on with his heart set on the Lord, the Lord's goodness and the Lord's provision for him.

So while his heart's desires were broken, maybe it's that they were shattered in order to make a beautiful mosaic.

He was given pieces of past wants and desires that God re-positioned into an exquisite masterpiece.

He was provided opportunity to trust the Lord on a deeper level, at a higher risk point and with more of his heart than ever.

Job discovered as his heart's desires were broken that God was good. Always good.

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