Monday, September 11, 2023


Today's reading: Numbers 17-20

"Then the people of Israel said to Moses, We are as good as dead! We are ruined! Everyone who even comes close to the Tabernacle of the Lord dies. We are all doomed!" Numbers 17:12-13 NLT

When new folks walked in the doors of your church yesterday, how were they greeted? How were they welcomed? How were they received?

Some came fearfully, afraid of shame.

Some came reluctantly, fulfilling an obligation.

Some came timidly, new to the church scene.

Some came in wounded, gaping sores, bruised and beaten by the world.

Did you love on them? Did you receive them with open arms and hearts full of love? Did you, for the length of time they were in your midst, offer them respite from the world?

I'm not sure how you will answer those questions, but maybe thinking on them will allow you a new opportunity next Sunday.

People shouldn't fear coming to matter who they are!

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