Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Today's reading: 2 Samuel 1-3

"May God deal harshly with me if I don't help David get all that the Lord has promised him!" 2 Samuel 3:9 NLT

Promised-to have pledged to do, bring about or provide.

It takes all I have some days to stand on the promises of God.

To believe His love covers all my sins.

To trust in His all-knowing ways.

To listen closely for His voice.

Grabbing hold and hanging on tightly to those promises takes grit, resolve and faith. It can exhaust us physically, stretch us emotionally and test us spiritually.

Here's the problem, I see...

If we're expending that much energy in claiming what's promised to us, what have we got left to use in helping others grab hold of their promises?

Because we're called to do that.

To build others up.

To edify and encourage others in their faith walks.

To remind them of what God has bequeathed and bestowed upon us.

Hanging on is vital to our faith--but helping others hang on, well, that's our charge.

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