Saturday, March 16, 2013

Today's reading:  Mark 1-2

"The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray."  Mark 1:35 NLT

Mornings are my favorite part of my day.

A new start.

New opportunities.

A new page on the planner.

I am an adamant believer in morning routines.  Repetitive actions that lead to productive days.  Exercise, shower, hair and make-up, Bible and prayer time, fix breakfast for my guys and off to greet the day...usually long before the sun actually shines.

I believe in routines, especially this morning. 

A morning when my routine was severely detoured.  A morning when nothing I usually do has gotten done.  A morning when by 8:00 I already feel like I'm spinning my wheels.

I believe I'm a lot like Jesus in that way.  Quite possibly one of the only ways, but I'll grasp at it!  He knew how He must start His day, what must be achieved before anything else attempted, how He must go about making the most the day the Lord had given Him...time with his Father.

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