Thursday, February 22, 2018

Today's reading: Luke 1-3

"For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and now generation after generation will call me blessed." Luke 1:48 NLT

Notice-attention; heed; aware; mindful; regard.

Some might think it forward and arrogant of me to say, 'I know just how Mary felt'. But I do.

Awed by the fact that the Creator even noticed me!

Amazed that the God of the universe was aware I even existed, that I had anything at all He could use for furthering His Kingdom, that I was capable of any job He deemed perfect for me!

Flabber-gasted that in my lowly state, He would visit me. That He would step down from His presence and stand before me. That He would allow me to be so near Him I could feel His breath, notice the beat of His heart, hear Him speak!

Humbled that although I am not needed by Him, I am loved by Him!

God took notice of me. Me!

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