Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today's reading: Mark 11-12

"Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith!" Mark 12:27-28

The lilies are blooming here on our little farmette. The blazing orange of the day lilies are a stark contrast against the white barn. The Asiatic lilies, with their 'freckles' carefully placed, are surrounding the well--deep red, creamy white, salmon and sherbet-y orange. Their robes of color are spectacular. Each petal carefully painted the perfect shade. Each stamen and pistil capped with the yellowest of pollen. The stems are sturdy and of vibrant green.

And what did I do to have such amazing plants? It was a rather complicated matter of digging a shallow hole and throwing the bulbous roots in the ground. Oh yes, then I gave them a drink. After that? Well, to tell you the truth, after that they were on their own.

I couldn't have grown a flower as lovely. No research, attention, cultivation, fertilizer, pruning or talking to the plants brought about this show of color. It's from the Lord--and how much more so I realize that this morning.

And to think, He loves me even more? I cannot grasp the immensity of His favor on me, after seeing such detail in the lilies. He has brought them to life, colored them with shades of joy and displayed them to the world as His masterpiece...and still, He loves me more!

Amazing, wouldn't you agree?

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