Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 54-56

"Come with great power, O God, and rescue me! Defend me with your might." Psalm 54:1 NLT

Do you, like me, think God's great power should arrive with lightning bolts, thunder and a heavenly host of angels--and conclude beams of radiant light?

It would be great. Right?

It would be powerful. Right?

It would be God-sized. Right?

It would be only appropriate for Who we are talking about. Right?

But then the sensible, getting-back-to-what-I-know-to-be-true part of me kicks in, and I realize this--

His gentlest whisper is still a display of power greater than the flex of mightiest imagined human strength!

The mere gesture of His great hand is a far greater show of strength than thousands, millions, of armies would be able to muster!

In fact, His very thoughts, if only they could be harnessed, are more powerful than I can imagine.

And I ask for a display of His 'great power'?

I have no conceivable idea what I am praying for!

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